Students in Class
- Dancers are expected to arrive at least 5-10 minutes before class to allow time to put on shoes and start class on time.
- Dancers are expected to stay until the end of the class and should not leave the hall without permission from the teachers. This includes asking to leave for a toilet break. This is to ensure teachers are aware of student's location at all times.
- Any spare time in classes and between dancing is to be used to practice and stretch.
- Skipping ropes and stretch bands are to be brought along to every class.
- Dancers are allowed to bring along a notepad and pen to take notes of teachers feedback during class.
- If you are unable to attend a class you MUST inform Aimee or Corale as soon as possible BEFORE the start of the class.
- Absolutely NO MOBILE PHONES to be used during class. If found to be using one, they will be confiscated and kept with teachers until the end of class. Phones can be brought to the front of class or kept in bags and used in emergencies only.
- Dancers are expected to treat everyone within the Academy respect when at class, competitions and any other event where they are representing the Aimee-Leigh Irish Dance Academy. Rudeness, bullying or any other unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
- No food should be consumed whilst in class due to allergies.
Student Uniform
- The official Aimee-Leigh uniform or appropriate attrite must be worn during lessons, competitions and at any event where you are representing the Aimee-Leigh Irish Dance Academy.
- The official uniform is purchased from Malley Sport and orders are made twice a year through the dance teachers.
- If you do not have the official uniform if it suggests that you wear comfortable t-shirts, shorts, leggings and white poddle (irish dance) socks.
- Hair must be tied back off the dancer's face when at class if this is comfortable for them to wear it this way.
Parents of Dancers
- Please drop your child/children on time to class ensuring they have shoes on and drinks.
- Children should be collected from the class doors and will not be able to leave class without a parent or guardian present.
- Please arrive on time to collect your child.
- Please inform Aimee or Corale if you will not be attending classes.
- We request that parents do not send their children in with any snacks or food due to allergies.
- Parents are expected to treat each other with equal respect and with the same regard in which they would like to be treated. Any form of bullying, ruddiness or disrespect towards another parent or student in the Academy will not be tolerated and will be dealt with accordingly.
- Parents are not allowed to sit in classes, unless it is your child/children’s 1st class or the last Monday of the month which is a dedicated spectating class. From experience through Aimee and Corale’s dancing carer parents in attendance at classes distracts the children and to be less productive.
The Aimee-Leigh Irish Dance Academy reserves the right to ask a dancer to leave the Academy at any times if the rules are not being upheld.